Schisandra chinensis Turcz is a tree liana endemic to northeast Asia. Considered adaptogenic, Schisandra berries boost immunity.
Our references
and analysis
Identification : TLC
Data on traditional use
WHO monograph :
- Used as a general tonic
- Used for fatigue and the respiratory tract
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Detailed description
Schisandra chinensis Turcz belongs to the Schisandraceae family and is a tree liana endemic to northeast Asia (China, Korea, Russia) and Japan. Its purple-red berries are widely used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is also known in traditional European medicine and is considered an adaptogen, particularly in Russia. It helps improve resistance to stress, boosts energy and promotes endurance and physical performance.
Schisandra fruit stimulates the immune system by acting as a tonic. What’s more, they have antioxidant properties thanks to their content of flavonoids, phenolic acids and the characteristic lignans known as schisandins. According to in vivo studies, they also promote healthy liver function.