We have ingredients that come with French “Plants” Decree – Appendix II dossiers
Find out why these ingredients are important…
Since January 1st 2015, food supplements in the French market containing at least one plant or plant preparation must have their own special dossier in accordance with Appendix II of the French “Plants” Decree. Since that date, this dossier must be kept available for viewing by the inspection authorities.
Appendix II of the French “Plants” Decree gives information about herbs, from when they are harvested right up until the finished product, and refers to:
- Geographical origin,
- Type of drying process,
- Use of pesticides, etc.
- Specification sheets,
- Methods of plant analysis before processing,
- Preparation of plant extracts and the finished product
Set-up of standards to guarantee the safety of the consumer
Time savings and a guarantee of quality and safety