java tea leaf powder


Renal function

Java tea, Orthosiphon stamineus Benth, is a perennial herb of the Lamiaceae family native to Southeast Asia. Orthosiphon leaves have excellent antioxidant properties and are used for their effects on renal elimination and urinary tract health, intestinal disorders and to support metabolism.

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java tea leaf powder
Plant extract



java tea leaf powder
Plant extract

>0,2% sinensetine


java tea leaf powder
Plant extract

>0,05% sinensetine


java tea leaf powder
Plant extract

>0,1% sinensetine


java tea leaf powder


and analysis

Identification : TLC

Data on traditional use

Cahier de l’agence du médicament (France):

  • Used to promote renal elimination of water
  • Used to facilitate weight loss as a complement to dietary measures

EMA monograph :

  • Used for renal water elimination and urinary tract health

German monograph :

  • Used for urinary tract health
Plant bylaw file

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Champs d'Othosiphon

Detailed description

Java tea, Orthosiphon stamineus Benth. also known as Orthosiphon aristatus (Blume) Miq, is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family native to Southeast Asia. It is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions.

Java tea leaves are known as “Java tea” and are commonly used to make herbal teas in Southeast Asia and European countries. Numerous constituents have been identified in this plant. The main compounds included phenolic acids, flavonoids, terpenoids (triterpenes and diterpenes), volatile oils and large quantities of potassium.

Several studies have shown that orthosiphon leaves have excellent antioxidant properties. They are traditionally used for their effects on renal elimination, urinary tract health, intestinal disorders and to support metabolism.