Nutriform’ Business Days 2024: Trends and innovations in the food supplements sector

We were present at Nutriform’ Business Days 2024, a key event for players in the food supplements sector. Held in Antibes from 18 to 20 June, the conference brought together experts, manufacturers and suppliers to discuss the latest developments in the European food supplements market.

Key trends discussed at the event

Nutriform’ Business Days is a real showcase for developments and expectations in the food supplements market. Several key themes emerged at the 2024 event, directly linked to consumer needs and the innovations proposed by professionals in the sector.

Une femme en pleine santé tenant un sablier

Women’s health

Women’s well-being is at the heart of our concerns, with innovative solutions to a wide range of problems throughout a woman’s life. Like treating menstrual pain and the signs of the menopause. Demand for natural products that are specific to women’s needs continues to grow.

Deux enfants en train d'analyser leur santé

Children’s health

Particular attention has also been paid to issues surrounding children’s nutritional needs, cognitive development, sleep, dietary requirements and oral health. Parents are increasingly concerned about providing their children with suitable, safe, natural and effective food supplements. In this respect, a dedicated conference, entitled “Do children and teenagers need food supplements?”, explored in depth the specific needs of the very young, highlighting nutritional solutions adapted to each stage of their development.



Deux docteurs entrain d'analyser la santé de la planète.

Global health

In terms of general health, discussions covered a number of areas, including cognition, mental health, digestion, eye care, hydration and joint health. These themes are essential to meeting consumers’ needs in terms of prevention and everyday well-being.

Trois consommateurs en train d’analyser la qualité et la provenance de leurs ingrédients

Consumer expectations: focus on naturalness and quality

The Nutriform’ Business Days 2024 also provided an opportunity to analyze consumer expectations. Consumers are increasingly demanding when it comes to the composition and properties of the products they use. A few key points emerged:

  • Naturalness: consumers prefer natural ingredients, such as plants, minerals, vitamins, probiotic strains…
  • Proven efficacy: they look for products whose effects have been demonstrated by solid clinical studies.
  • Quality and traceability: the origin of ingredients and transparency of manufacturing processes have become key criteria.
  • Practicality: they want products that are easy to use on a daily basis, with personalized advice on how to incorporate them into their routine.
Différentes personnes en train de faire attention à leur santé

Prevention: a key challenge

One of the central themes of the event was the importance of prevention in health. Dietary supplements are seen as a preventive tool for maintaining the body’s balance and improving quality of life in a natural way. This preventive vision aligns perfectly with Pharmanager Ingredients’ commitment to providing high-quality ingredients that support long-term health.

Analyse scientifique sur une plante

A commitment to innovation

Pharmanager Ingredients took full advantage of the three days to share its expertise in the field of health ingredients while exploring the new trends shaping the market. Our team attended captivating conferences, including the deciphering of ingredient trends driving innovation. Inspiring round tables, such as the one dedicated to science and artificial intelligence at the service of connected health.

Acknowledgements and outlook

Pharmanager Ingredients warmly thanks the entire Nutriform’ Business Days organizing team, in particular Véronique Sanceau and Philippe Millet, for this major event, which helps to drive the dietary supplements industry forward. As well organized as ever, with enriching exchanges and inspiring encounters, this event is a must for staying at the cutting edge of innovation in our sector.

We look forward to seeing you in 2025 for another edition of Nutriform’ Business Days! For more information, please visit the official website: